Services & Program Requirements
Academic & Personal Advising
Academic and personal advising is crucial to a students’ educational progress. TRIO SSS provides each of its participants a program adviser who will serve to assess the students’ needs and discuss matters in a confidential and professional manner. TRIO SSS advising will include discussions regarding course selection, fields of study, workshops, drop/add procedures, referrals for tutoring, and other related areas. The advisors also monitor the participants’ academic progress and provide intrusive advising to help students persist in their programs of study.
Financial Aid & Financial Literacy
TRIO SSS is available to assist students in understanding financial aid eligibility, scholarship opportunities, and deadline requirements. Students are assisted in completing applications and exploring options for financing college costs. TRIO SSS will provide opportunities to assist students with developing financial literacy skills to increase their financial success. Some students may qualify for a small grant to assist in educational costs (must meet specific criteria).
Career Planning
Program advisers with TRIO SSS are available to assist students with career exploration. Identifying skills and interests and matching these with possible career fields are an important part of the college experience. Assistance is provided in identifying internship, employment, and study abroad opportunities that can enhance student experiences. In addition, resume writing activities and information regarding interviewing skills is available to students. Program advisors also offer students assistance in applying to and preparing for graduate and professional schools.
All students in their first year of participation in TRIO SSS at ISU are assigned a peer mentor. Peer mentors are students past their first year in the program and are responsible for direct, one-to-one peer support of assigned students. Peer mentors assist students with their transition to ISU, study skills, time management, locating campus and community resources, and providing other personal support.
The level of difficulty of certain college courses often requires academic assistance outside of the classroom. TRIO Student Support Services provides its students with this type of assistance. Tutors are available for individualized instruction as well as small study groups and drop-in academic services. Students receive assistance in identifying and overcoming study skills weaknesses and in developing confidence in their relationships with faculty and classmates.
Cultural & Educational Activities
TRIO Student Support Services provides avenues for its students to participate in an array of cultural events and lectures designed to celebrate a rich variety of cultural backgrounds. Activities and events take place both on the university campus as well as in other communities.
Expert Learner Series
TRIO SSS engages all students in their first year with the program in a series designed to develop non-cognitive skills essential for success in college and life. Based on the work of Carol Dweck (2006), the series combines interactive large and small group workshops that assist students in developing a growth mindset, a sense of community at ISU, and practicing the 8 dimensions of wellness.

Program Requirements
Fulfillment of program requirements is necessary before students will be considered for grants, scholarships, awards, etc.
In order to gain the full benefit of TRIO SSS, students must engage in all required activities and make the best use of the services we offer.
TRIO SSS Program Requirements (First-Year Participants)
TRIO SSS Program Requirements (First-Year Participants)
- TRIO SSS Kickoff starting in the spring semester, continuing each academic semester
- Attend TRIO SSS Expert Learner large and small group orientation once per semester
- At least two TRIO SSS peer mentor contacts
- At least two TRIO SSS academic advising sessions per semester reviewing your yearly academic plan
- Complete the Semester Assignment each semester
- TRIO SSS End of the Year Celebration each academic year
- Academic support (i.e. tutoring, academic coaching, etc.)
TRIO SSS Program Requirements (All Other Participants)
TRIO SSS Program Requirements (All Other Participants)
- TRIO SSS Kickoff each academic semester
- At least two TRIO SSS academic advising sessions per semester reviewing your yearly academic plan
- Complete the Semester Assignment each semester
- TRIO SSS End of the Year Celebration each academic year
- Academic support (i.e. tutoring, academic coaching, etc.)