TRIO Upward Bound Events

Talent search group photo in Wisconsin

TRIO Events

Welcome to the exciting world of TRIO events! Here at TRIO, we are thrilled to present an array of upcoming events exclusively designed for our exceptional students.

Get ready to unlock a realm of opportunities that go beyond the traditional high school experience. Our events are carefully curated to ignite your curiosity, expand your knowledge of postsecondary options, and foster meaningful connections with like-minded peers.


10 - JumpStart Financial Literacy Conference, Ankeny

23 - HD, Fort Dodge, Perry, Marshalltown and South Tama County schools start


9 - ACT Test Date

12 - College Fair - UNI Cedar Falls 9 am-11:00 am

13 - College Fair - Kirkwood, Cedar Rapids 9:30 am-11:30 am

24 - Golden Circle College Fair, Des Moines 12:20-3:00 pm

25 - College Fair, Central College, Pella 10-11:30 am

26 - College Fair, MCC, Marshalltown, 9-11 am

27 - College Fair, NIACC, Mason City 9:15-10:45 am


1 - All Iowa Opportunity Scholarship Opens

10 - Iowa State University Campus Visit 

27- Iowa TRIO Student Leadership Conference, UNI

28 - ACT Test Date


1- UNI TRIO Visit Day

2 - Iowa Tour U of Iowa campus visit (9:30am-12:30pm tentative schedule)

2 - Go Further Girls STEM Conference, ISU, Grades 8th-10th, 9 am - 3 pm

9 - Go Further Girls STEM Conference, ISU, Grades 8th-10th (second date), 9 am - 3 pm